Fagskolen Vestfold og Telemark

The vocational school offers good higher vocational education in management subjects, health subjects, electrical engineering, technology subjects, maritime subjects and construction/construction. The electricity-related education constitutes one of the country’s largest professional environments in the field. We work closely with local working life, industry organizations and industrial networks to ensure that our education offers are relevant, up-to-date and in accordance with the needs of working life. The school is also very active in industry-adapted part-time courses with credits. We offer everything from complete vocational school educations to shorter module-based educations and courses. After completing your education with us, you will gain a higher level of competence that can be used in working life without further training measures.
The school has two campuses – Horten and Porsgrunn.

  • Contact person :
    Marit Hagen Øygarden
  • Phone:
    +47 970 98 877
  • E-mail: